Club of Mumbai - Shivaji Park
club was formed as Rotary Club of Bombay Shivaji Park in the year 1993 with 28
years. Rotarian Suresh Borkar, Governor's special representative, was the founder
of the club and Rotarian Vasant Narkar the Charter President. Sponsored by the
Rotary CLub of Bombay North, the club received its charter from Rotary International
on 1st August, 1993.
with a strength of 40 members the club is actively engaged in rendering service
to the community in and around Shivaji Park as also in some distant regions, with
a view to improving and enhancing the health and lives of people. Through our
various avenues of service our emphasis has so far been on education, vocation,
health and humanity. The club has received RI Presidential Citation and several
other awards for excellence and outstanding work.
object of Rotary Club is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as the basis
of worthy enterprise.