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In Shivaji Park Area

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Shivajipark can be truely called as a food lover's haven.
There are numerous outlets where a food lover can go to hog different varieties of food.
There are many good restaurants in the area :
Nebula for punjabi food,
Gypsy Corner for Fast Food,
Gypsy Chinese for good chinese food,
Chandragupta for good punjabi food.

Then there is Move N Pick which has excellent bread items and Frankie Corner for frankies.
On the opposite roas one can get good panipuris and bhels etc. Also a coconut water vendor is there and yah not to miss out icecreams.
Also Naturals Icecream has its branch in shivajipark area.
Some other good places for eating are
Oven Fresh, Gold Rush The Plush, Apoorva, Sujata Annexe and many more

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