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yoga for good health

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Yoga, developed by ancient rishis mainly for spiritual development,is presently being increasingly used for promoting and preserving physical and mental health all over the world.

Yogic practices such as Asanas, Pranayamas, Mudras, Bandhas, etc.have been found to be very useful in preventing bodily and mental disturbances and problems.They also help in promoting all-round physical and mental health.

Scientific tests have been conducted across the globe on meditation, asanas, yogic kriyas,etc. Researchers have established the efficiency of yogic practises in treating diseases. This has drawn the attention of people towards yogic therapy.

Guidelines for performing Yoga

  • Perform yoga on a carpet covered with a clean cloth.
  • Wear clothes that are clean, loose and light.
  • Perform Yoga on an empty stomach.
  • Morning time is best for performing Yoga.
  • Before performing Yoga ,take a bath and empty you bowels
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