Science: Environment: Organizations: Research Institutes (85) Science: Institutions: Research Institutes (204)
Anthropological Survey of India Multidisciplinary research center based in Calcutta promoting the anthropological study of the people of India.
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment ATREE is a non-profit organization working to conserve India's biodiversity.
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Multidisciplinary nuclear research centre of India.
Bombay Natural History Society An important and long established non-governmental organisation undertaking nature conservation research.
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute A Research Institute based on marine fisheries research, mariculture and marine fishery resource. Indian Veterinary Research Institute.
Facilitation Centre for Industrial Plasma Technologies Research and development in the field of plasma processing technology and magnetic confinement fusion.
ICAR-Indian Council of Agricultural Research An antonomous National Organization which conducts and promotes research and training in the field of agriculture and allied sciences
Indian Agricultural Research Institute include Organization, Schools, Divisions, Facilities, Publications.
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) The primary mission of the institute is to explore new frontiers of science and knowledge and develop human resources to provide leadership to the country in technology development.
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education The Council is established as an autonomous society, the ICFRE Society, of which Minister of Environment and Forests is President.
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology IICB is based in Calcutta. Eminent scientists such as Dr. HK Majumder working on the effect of flavones in kerbing Leishmaniasis.
Indian Institute of Health Management Research - Based in Jaipur Principal activities are research and consultancy, education and training, and institutional networking. Major current projects and activities are described.
Indian Institute of Horticulture of Research The Institute has focused its attention on solving national problems. The Institute has come up with varieties like Arka Puneet in mango and Arka Anamika.
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad National Information Centre on Management.
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Institute in South-East Asia for training of scientific and technical personal in the application of remote sensing & GIS techniques for various disciplines.
Indian Institute of Spices Research The sites contains details of research programes of this institute, details of spices of india, largest germplasm details.
Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research Describes work for genetic improvement of sugarcane for high cane and sugar productivity with resistance to biotic stresses.
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology IITM is based in pune, research and development in the field of tropical meteorology.
Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute, Bangalore Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute(IPIRTI).
Indian Space Research Organisation Deals with space research and training.
Indian Veterinary Research Institute IVRI is to conduct research and teaching programmes on all aspects of animal health, production, livestock product technology and basic sciences.
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Engaged in broad based multidiscipilinary programme of scientific research and advanced engineering directed towards the development of fast breeder reactor technology.
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research The group contributes significantly to achieve the goals of IIT Bombay, through various activities such as offering own academic programmes.
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research IEER is dedicated to increasing public involvement in and control over environmental problems through the democratization of science
Institute for Plasma Research Experimental and theoretical research in Plasma Physics.
Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics Promotes nucleation and growth of active groups in astronomy and astrophysics in Indian universities.
Laparoscopic Surgery Research and Training Centre Indian Institute of Laparoscopic Surgery, Research and Training Centre , providing hands-on training in Laparoscopic procedures and has been recognised by IAGES
Tata Energy Research Institute TERI is a non-profit, scientific and policy research organisation, working in the fields of energy, environment and a range of sustainable development issues.
The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research An institution for research in the hard sciences, with centres across the country. : The Tata institutes Association with the Indian Space Research Organisation and the Defence Researchand Development Organisation.
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