Regional: Asia: India: Business and Economy: Industries: Agriculture and Forestry (9)
Banjara Hills Consults Facilitation of work of rural non-profit NGOs. The site gives information on partners, projects and issues, provides links to useful contacts.
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering Aims to develop equipment and processes to modernise agriculture. Bhopal.
Centre for Advancement of Sustainable Agriculture CASA has been established as an independent, non-profit organization. Activities include research based on the needs of farmers and other local stakeholders.
Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems Research, training and publications on traditional Indian sciences like agricluture, non-chemical pest control, organic farming, ayurveda, siddha, yoga and metallurgy.
Farmer's Rights Information Service Features information service on farmers' rights based on the research from the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research An autonomous apex national organisation which plans, conducts and promotes research, education, training and transfer of technology for advancement of agriculture and allied sciences.
International Development Enterprises A not-for-profit organisation to improve the conditions of poor farm families by developing affordable, appropriate and environmentally sustainable technologies.
Microbax India Produces lactobacillus sporogenes and handles fermentation systems, especially producing lactic acid bacillus.
National Agricultural Technology Project
National Centre for Integrated Pest Management Provides information on pest management systems, forecasting of pests, and distribution maps.
National Research Center for Mushroom Training, consultancy, research and advice on the growing of this crop. Solan.
Services for Farmers and Agriculture From the Meteorological department website. Forecasts for farmers, advisory and other services.
Winrock International India Indian branch of an organisation whose aim is to "develop and implement solutions that balance the need for food, income and environmental quality".
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