Computers: Internet: On the Web: Web Portals (124)
Regional: Asia: India: Guides and Directories (59)
Society: Ethnicity: Indian: Indian-American: Directories (20)
Altavista - India An India specific version of this major search engine; allows searching in full directory or restrict the search to India.
Asiadragons Directory of Indian sites
Best Indian Sites Ranking and listing of guides, portals, and search engines.
Bharath-Darshan A collection of internet and news links, also covering neigbouring countries. Categorised and annotated lists of websites relevant to India.
India at its Best Directory with a wide range of websites.
India Ltd An Indian information portal with web directory on Indian business.
India Spider Search engine with meta capability in spidering, news search, auction, books, and pictures. Web directory and search engine of sites specific to India, with hit count for each link, and the means for users to rate the value of each link. A wide-ranging web guide to India.
Indian Cyber Cafes Listing of major cyber cafes, Internet Service providers, Web Hosting Companies and Computer Hardware dealers around the Delhi area.
Indian Directory Guide to India, including directories of items of interest, portal features.
Indian Links Links to Indian sites on food, cars, living, news, education, government and many more.
Indianlook A directory with a number of websites included.
Indiaring Links to India related sites.
Indias Web Web site includes resources for business and more.
Indiataj An information and entertainment portal on travel, family trees, news, chat, shopping, auction, astrology.
Indiavision A informative site about India.
Ithaki India Meta search engine for information related to India, accepts advanced search commands.
123 Khoj Has a directory, search facility and top 100 websites, all specific to India.
Khoj Directory of links, news, features, search engine.
Mantra Online Includes a directory, especially of entertainment related sites.
Mera Bharat Search engine and directory for India.
Meta Search Search on various Indian search engines at one place.
Powernet India Directory of sites and services for the Indian, Asian and global markets. Directory and search engine of indian web sites. Search engine on India.
Sites4India A collection of links to websites about India, some of them with descriptions and reviews.
Zeenext News, directories, searches for India.
Parts of the directory made available on
have been modified. External Web site links provided on this site
are meant for convenience and for informational purposes only;
they do not constitute an endorsement.