Reference: Quotations: Political (20) Regional: Asia: India: Government (278) Science: Social Sciences: Economics: Political Economics (24) Science: Social Sciences: Political Science (1,098) Society: Issues: Fraud: Political (1) Society: Issues: Human Rights and Liberties: Political Prisoners (29) Society: Issues: Language: Political Correctness (23) Society: Politics (4,207) Society: Politics: Alternative Political Systems (35)
C-Voter Psephology services, market research, public opinion poll analyses and election studies with detailed data analysis.
Hindustan Studies and Services Ltd. Articles on Indian politics, society, culture, history, industry, people, Hinduism. Suggests that India can be a rich nation by 2025 and makes some suggestions as to how this can be brought about.
Indian Corporate Vigil. The Indian corporate world and development issues. Publishes articles on political and news topics, and invites comments.
Mother India Petition to maintain certain standards in the electoral system.
The Mother India Promotes a clean electoral system. Stories and newslinks about electoral reform. Has stock letters to be sent to prominent politicians urging changes in the law.
Petition on Kashmir to Mr. Vajpayee Online petition offering support for a strong militarist stand on the Kashmir issue.
Politics of India A brief summary of India's political system, elections, administration, and political parties.
Republic day A fact file on India with information on its political structure and great personalities.
Samarth Bharat A set of articles on the politics of the nation and its neighbours, mostly by Anil Chawla and VT Joshi.
Sight of India Culture, politics, and society in South Asia; a set of articles.
Sword of Truth A Hindu nationalist site, with both political and religious content.
Understanding Hinduism Lurid anti-Indian website. Reproduces claims that Indian social and foreign policy is rooted in Hindu hatred of other communities and nations. Nationalist site aiming to promote a national identity based on Sanatana Dharma. Includes extensive links to and extracts from, relevant material on the web.
Who is Rohit Vyasmaan of Article on an activist associated with Bajrang Dal and related organisations.
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